- Open you Asteroom 3D Tour Kit and ensure everything is there, rotator, charging cord, tripod, fisheye lens, and phone case (if ordered)
- Start charging the rotator before turning it on for the first time. It takes 1 hours 30 mins to charge fully and the light will turn from red (charging) to off when it is done charging
- Download Asteroom’s mobile app to your cell phone you will be using
- Open the App and create an account/sign in
- If your brokerage offers a plan: Join your brokerage plan for price discounts
- Go to settings
- Click on plan
- Enter the code provided to you from your brokerage
- If you have a promotional activation code in your kit redeem it in the app
- Go to settings
- Click on plan
- Enter the code provided to you in your kit
- If your brokerage offers a plan: Join your brokerage plan for price discounts
- Turn on your rotator by moving the switch (on/off) to the on position. Also, you need to turn on Bluetooth on your phone. Your phone will automatically pair with the rotator.
- Do not go into the phone’s Bluetooth setting. Pairing manually is not needed, and the rotator will not be found in the device list.
- Tap the camera button and verify that the rotator is paired. After the rotator is paired, the “Connecting…” sign will disappear and it will show "Connected".
- “Connecting…” means the rotator is not found yet. Try turning your phone’s Bluetooth setting and the rotator’s power on/off again.
Put the phone case on your phone if available and fully screw in the fisheye lens to the case
- (If no phone case) Clip the fisheye over the phone camera. Verify the coverage of the fisheye lens is good. See below image (right)
- Look at below image (left) for correct alignment of phone on the rotator.
- iPhones or any phones with camera on the right side: align camera to the right jaw clip of the rotator
- Samsung or any phone with cameras in the middle: align camera to the center of the rotator
- Open your tripod and set it up to your waist height which is the standard height provided with the Asteroom tripod. (Approximately 44 inches vertically from the ground)
- Mount the rotator on the tripod by rotating it. Also make sure the top part of the rotator is also tightened.
- You are now ready to shoot the property. Always make sure to use “Level” button before shooting each time. After you check with the balance, click camera button to begin shooting.
- Start shooting your house. You can shoot anywhere as long as you can see at least one other spot you have shot. This is called keeping a “line of sight” with your shots. Make sure to keep the all doors and windows are open.
- Take a look at the 360 images and make sure they look good. Then move on to the next room while keeping the line of sight except stairs. You DO NOT need to shoot stairs.
- Create a tour by clicking the "+" on the My Tours page.
- Give the tour a name and fill in the location then click done.
- Click upload panoramas
- Select all of the tour images then click "upload to tour"
- When all images have been added you’re able to order a 3D Dollhouse, 2d floor plan and image enhancement, and 3d staging, which will be ready in 24 to 48 hours.
15. Once the tour is ready click share and copy the links online to MLS or other websites.
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